APTO Model
Transforming Learning. Transforming Communities. Transforming Lives.
Aprender uses its unique education development Apto Model to support Government, Denominations or NGOs operating in developing countries build capacity for low cost, sustainable school self-improvement.
Our Apto model was developed through a partnership between two NGOs; The Total Institute based in Goiânia, Brazil, and Aprender from the UK. The model continues to evolve and improve thanks to the input and investment of our partners. We continually evaluate and innovate to meet our clients’ needs to the maximum.
Currently the model consists of:
School leadership training and coaching
Teaching and school management practices
Whole school evaluation principles
Academic content and experience that will transform a school’s approach and similarly help those engaged in education outside of school.
The model is built on a foundation of psychology, a way of thinking about and approaching school improvement, an issue of paramount importance in our world. It uses key education research crucially based on real-life application. It has to be practical.
Our dream is to see school directors and teachers capacitated to improve their schools in a sustainable way that values all contributions. The model is not about following a set of rules, but about the development of a way of thinking, and through that a way of acting, to produce responsible citizens, a goal all schools could agree on.
Our Apto Model specifically:
Works with local governance.
Engages in a culturally relevant way.
Trains educators to track student outcomes objectively.
Facilitates government, denominations, or NGOs to share best practice.
Measures and evaluates what we do and uses it to improve our work.

How Does It Work?
Typically, we train education personnel already in post as in-country coaches in our school improvement model. They then use that model to train their head teachers, who then use the training they receive to train and equip their teachers. The teachers and learners own the change they want to see in their school community.
The Apto training course consists of a series of online video's and e-manuals.
We agree a weekly Zoom call (or MS Teams) with our clients. Participants watch the video for the first module, read the accompanying part of the eBook, discuss with colleagues, then answer questions and write reflections in their workbook.
The focus of the Zoom call with their Apto Coach is to discuss the module, any questions, or doubts, and to think through how the ideas could be contextualised into the client’s culture.
The pattern repeats itself through firstly the Lead Course, and then the Teach Course. Time is given at the end of each course to action planning and evaluation. A certificate is then given to celebrate success.

Apto Early-Years is designed for adults educating children aged 5 and under. It applies our core principles in this most important phase of learning, laying the foundations for what comes later.
Apto Early-Years helps teachers and
volunteers to equip preschoolers with
confidence, core knowledge and problem solving abilities so that they enter mainstream school ready to learn, with a positive mindset and keen to expand their understanding and humanity.

Designed for adults educating children aged from 6 to10 years old, Apto 6.10 covers primary school education, including education support projects.
Apto 6.10 applies our core principles to help schools equip their primary age students with time and opportunity to build up their learning muscles so that ‘being a learner’ becomes a core part of their character and identity.
Apto 6.10 promotes a school environment where the priority is to give each child an understanding of themselves, their world, their culture and their community.